CWE Family Events Calendar

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Saturday Story Time at New City starts up again!

This was always a lot of fun and a great chance to hang out with neighbors!
The first one is this
Saturday, September 13, from 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. in the New City School Library. The theme will be Animals! Animals! Animals!

New City School thanks CWE neighbors William and Julie Shearburn and the William Shearburn Gallery, for their continuing support of Story Time.

If you have questions, please call New City School: 361-6411 and speak to Leslie Peters, extension 108. RSVP to Debbie Nausley at 361-6411 or to let us know that you'll be joining us. Thanks!

Stories and activities are designed for children from infant/toddler through second grade. Story time is free and snacks are provided. Although we will have adult supervision, we require that parents stay with their children, and books cannot be taken home.

New City School is located at the corner of Waterman and Lake (on Waterman just west of Kingshighway).

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